Thursday, October 06, 2005

raincloud... Posted by Picasa


Blogger Azam said...

Day after day, he gazed upon her, in admiration, in awe…
This worthless rock in arid, barren lands; how bold, how foolish…
Because above him floated in cobalt blue skies, the most perfect cloud…
That never even imagined, she was the only object of his affection…

But some intermediary, like the falcon would caress the cloud
And then, perhaps; might brush past the rock…
So that for many years only this kept him alive…
The mere whisper of a thrill, the glimmer of hope…
Some ray of sun that permeated the cloud,
And fell on this rock, became his very existence…

Then one day, the cloud began to cry, and her tears fell on his core…
And unlike earlier days, when the rock had felt a pebble,
The rock became a boulder; the rock became her shoulder…
And for those surreal instances in time… they were one…
And every element in nature truly saw, ‘the soul of the world’…

But the very next day, violent, ‘unyielding’ winds began to blow, whirl so fast
They tore away every layer the rock had, until his core lay exposed before her,
Begging her to save him, to understand… except, she didn’t……….
Not wanting to stay, she left the vastness of her desert for
A place in someone else’s sky …

I know the winds were tenacious, but you didn’t even try…
For I am that rock and you are the rain cloud.

11:39 PM  
Blogger Chun said...




10:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You WROTE that as a COMMENT?

Bhai listen, I have a straight philosophy to life. Can't do poetry, so talk prose AND if you like someone, just bloody SAY IT.

Whats with this whole 'rain cloud' and 'plain cliff' and 'kiss/caress my bosom'? (And I think I've read this before. Is this plagerised?)
And be warned I ALWAYS read more into things. THATS my JOB in life.

So dont give me some of this "pretty" smiley face stuff.


4:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haraaaaaaaaami... tu kidhar hai?!
the game is afoot... there is much to talk of... and less time to do the talking in... and no this is not plagiarized!! this is mine... just like the raincloud!!

9:28 PM  
Blogger Chun said...

shutup you showoff

5:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

o listen papay, good poetry.... and what is this ta business.. har koi ta bun gaya hai... anyways.. nehari khaa aur diqar le

8:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont "TA" me. I am the real TA. The realist of the AmberTa's. All other's a fake.

And the Lord said onto His people, "Do not fake the TA's, for there is only one TA, and it beuth AmberTA."

Meanwhile back at the Bat Cave: With only 12 more days to go (inshallah) till The Real AmberTA decends onto all of Lahore to wreck delightful havoc with her red paint and brush, the meaningless 9 to 5 existance (even in Ramadan) at the RHM desk/office has begun to fade to the background. Work has fallen to the wayside and how The Real AmberTa manages to charm her way out of doing nothing (yeah right!) remains one of lifes greater mysteries. It is still up there with the optic nerve and how it relays an upside down image right side up on your brain.
For more updates, keep watching this space for details or call +973-17-790-225 or +973-3-931-0241.

...something something something, SAME Bat time, same bat channel.
Dun na na na na...BATMAN!

4:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

do we keep posting comments to keep up the activity on your blog!

even ive updated,lazy.

listen to lazy. dumb fun-ish

9:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

guy i did not read a single bit..

3:33 PM  

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