Saturday, July 23, 2005


there he was... blending in like a good weave until my discerning eyes caught sight of his profile... 'yaar, you don't have any sideburns...' i pointed out...
if facial expressions could kill i'd be dead... but very often i associate with garfield and his belief system so in that sense... one down, eight left... who was this chap? where had he come from? and why was he begging me to make fun of him when i am known to never miss the opportunity... turned out he was an aloof passerby that was just asking for the time... o well... guess he won't be passin by me again...

uknow its a sad sad thing to see someone make fun of a superior... today we (myself, mulla and HKH) took our soccer captains (MKN) car keys and ran around the parking making chicken noises... time will tell whether or not our assumption that no one was there was correct or not...
eventually he whined like a picked on third grader and we returned... (you see, were good people) *snicker, chuckle, hyuk hyuk*

be as it may... i am not bored... i am thankful for this opportunity to see how many hours the homosapien can sleep... i hibernate with a vengeance, i put polar bears to shame... fear me

on my way back... i ran into a friend from aitchison... good lad... but for no reason he started hurling insults at me... *eyebrow raised* 'do i owe you money or something?' ...turns out thats how that type says hello... 'hi yaar, ill give you a call' i say.... sheesh, that'll be happeninig.

okay poll time...

if you were stuck in an elevator for four hours and there was just one guy/gal with you... who would it be?

alif) J.K Rowling/ any other author (specify)
bae) Angelina Jolie/Brad Pitt (pick one)
jeem) zinedine zidane ( im bias)
noon) noon (pliss don't answer)
wao) significant other... hahaha... better half... or johnny bravo (pick one) ?
koof) political leader (pick one)
gas) any figure from history (please don't say holy prophet)
car) other


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the guy really didnt have any sideburns! he wanted to use my mobile btw. Ghafoora says Jolie begum hands down. And maybe JK Rowling so i could kill her for killing of one of my favourite characters. Haji baba u r an inspired writer.

12:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is that a questoin or a statement?? angelina jolie... actaully what kind of elevator are we talking abuot?.. please give more details... this quuestion is not valid.. like a tranny on ten

1:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is wrong.. this is just plain old wrong.. someones playin with me.. you who that dictates fate.. your mean...
.... if only.. *sigh

P.s i choose car i.e other.. you know noon.. you know..

12:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Eye lined," "Liam Beta," "Roman" ... whats happening to online names?
Anyway, none of the above.

1:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

elevator specifications...
it is a good elevator. it is based on pully system. it needs bijli to work. buss... use imagination.

anonymous... what kind of a nick is this?! can't you see a pattern? pliss chosse good alias. (Alyas driver)

eye lined...
i will not let the surma incident go unmentioned... where is horse?!?!

6th floor... mens wear!!

5:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes elaborate on surma incident.

And now that i have the speicfications...

I choose car, without alias (Alyas the driver)..

What's up with eyelined... surma.. and getting stuck with driver in the elevator..

anyway i shuffeled deck and pulled out a card, it was queen of diamonds... she's the hottest out of all the four card queens...

2:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please to note:
Here with declared within the fundamental constitution governing all of mankind, the use of the "name" by Party A on blogsite of Party B, allows Party A the freedom of expression by choosing NOT to express a name. Party A's fundamental right of freedom take prime importance and in citing precedence of Case No. 92674 Court vs. Anonymous, the court declared the use of the word "anonymous" to be not without identity, but herein within itself an establishment/ institution.

2:24 PM  

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