Sunday, May 29, 2005


this is the last time that i tell you whats on my mind... woah...
and soon enough, things shall change... i know it... i am certain of it... but much has happened in the last few days... far too much to leave unmentioned...

1. i stole someone elses help sheet in number theory...
2. i used emotional blackmail to get thru cal III
3. i almost had a killer accident... nice dodge ama jee
4. i overate at gino's because it was 50% after 11...
5. i played footy at with someone who plays for the pakistan team... decadent pot head
6. i saw a sign... and i started to believe again...
7. i bought three white shirts (i love white) and ami thru a fit...
8. i seconded murtis two women theory (parallel to iqbal's two nation theory)
9. i made fun of a guy in tiiiiiiiiiiiiiight jeans... (he wasn't amused)

school shall resume is several days so in the meanwhile i was making the most of things... was at copper kettle with saed, fasih, murti and sheeda discussing legendary tigers... came home and had the most engaging coversation on msn... i saved it under the name of murtis 'two woman theory'...
for more info wisit



Blogger Chun said...

'in the meanwhile'

azamnoon i made potato salad today and you cant have any ACHA :)

khair, two women theory? hahaha i wanna see this...

gino's YUCK :S

and you saw a sign? u never tell me anything


2:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All you can eat! Ah the good old days. Done me proud, me laddie... Aye mattie, hope twas a bad day the next day, twill only then be justice done.

You really need me to comment on the close call. Grumph grumph (Miss Muffet sytle).

"The force is strong in this one"..."Obi Wan has taught you well."

What was the sign? I see them all the time. I'll let you about it sometime when we sit face to face....if life opportunes a time and a place.

6:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im on this "dear diary" crappy thingo mingo. You've got me here and if I begin pouring my heart and soul out on this public podium of self bashing, you are entirely to blame. Hope my name lends me some facade of anonomity.

7:26 PM  
Blogger Azam said...

you get here now, abhi!!!

i feel the conflict within you, let go of your hate...
father, save me!! luke... phao phao phao

so be it jedi...

11:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i want to leave a comment but i dont have anything to say.

12:01 AM  
Blogger Photographer said...

and i stumble upon the numbertheoryrepeatingsoccermatchwatchingbuddy's blog ..

hmmm kaisa hai??

1:49 AM  
Blogger Chun said...


8:45 PM  

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