Sunday, April 24, 2005

to each his own?

What lies ahead, I know not...
Things are predetermined or so I thought...
What made sense no longer applies...
I swear I was promised clear blue skies…

That which does not kill you makes you stronger…
What if you’re beaten to within an inch of your life?
What if you’re done for and can live no longer?
Words, not bullets or blades shall often suffice

I’m devastated because I have no one to blame…
Tomorrows another day? No… it’s just the same…
I thought I was a rock; I’m as human as you are,
Gem, strokes and sprints… the grapes are not sour…

Years go by; I am plagued by one thought
Long walks in solitude, refuge I have sought
Partially healed but bleeding, I am left uncured…
Time is the ultimate healer or so I’ve been assured…

I see you slipping away, or is that me falling?
I’d die for you but would you hear me calling?
When the time comes, I’ll stay on only of you ask…
But for now… I must, once again, wear this mask…

Azam Noon


Blogger Chun said...



i loved it.


9:14 PM  
Blogger Azam said...

don't mention the 'girls just wanna have fun' to anyone...
let the good times roll...


11:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ill kill you

10:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone wears a mask. Just depends how think the base at different times

1:04 PM  

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