Thursday, September 01, 2005

legal tender

i bailed.
but i didnt go far.
for the nutmeg is my mistress and the supernova is my wife. i shall return.


Blogger Tammy said...

nutmeg's coo'

11:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leader of the faithfully unfaithful: You may court the other mistresses, but comfort shall be in these arms only.

Read some other blogs: There's some powerful shit doing the circles.

Ever wonder why people have the innate need to 'display' their works (not a jarb at you). Any works. Some strange kind of self fulfilment from praise and its juxtaposed sentiment of "I'm so profound that nobody gets me." (Maybe true: you may indeed BE profound then why the need to reassert it.) OR is it some elaborate game of elimination. Somebody who does GET it is special and hence worth pondering over. Everyone else falls to the wayside.

A UNIVERSAL TRUTH: Everybody 'gets' a bit of. Like little those little round thorns that cling to you when you play in the wild somewhere up north. Nobody gets all of it. Its a way to survive. No one can know ALL (It's not save anyway: A bit like indissriminate sex)... and the person who does get it, how much are you willing to expose. (More skin, deeper the cut).
Just a thought.

4:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

whats not to get?
when you chip us do we not flake..
when you moisten us, do we not grow moss?!
and as a great man/woman once said
'a slap is merely a hug that stings...' - the drew carrey show, season 5, episode 17.

and that, good een, is one way to expose nothing...
woe is me!!

3:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe you actually got that it was me! Then again, who else would write such profound crap using all proper English with correct spellings and none of the "U R 2 good to be 4 go10" bakwas doing the rounds nowadays (Want a REAL headache--read Amins Orkut intro. :#)
And don't quote Shakespear to me, its like preaching to the choir. Then again you quote Hunchback (was it?) and I quote Merchant of Venice.

2:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

phew.. i thought this was your porno page... speaking of whihc.. whats the link to that

12:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have a question:
how does the author delete a particular commnet?

11:03 PM  

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