Wednesday, March 02, 2005



The brink of the abyss
The point of no return
All others had succumbed
Was it now my turn?

They kept gnawing at my morals
They kept beating down my pride
Principles, brought to question
All my values set aside

Is it worth the consequences?
Is it worth the hate and jeer?
Is it worth the pointless verses?
Is it worth the lonesome lair?

Life, is not that complicated
If seen in terms of YES or NO
I’ve been told by those respected
‘Only dead fish go with the flow’

The morphing will have to wait
This vessel is stronger than it seems
Much to their disappointment
Things are not what they may deem.

The days gone by have seen me through
Corrected me on things I thought I knew.
Taught me patiently, right from wrong
Told me who I was, where I belong

As I make my way through this called life
I see pain, deceit and another’s strife
But I look inside me and I feel secure
I feel not the temptation, the calling, the allure.


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